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媒体声明- 2022年12月6日

North America has the energy to solve the global crisis

我们的总统 & 首席执行官, 弗朗索瓦地方, shares his thoughts and perspectives on how two simple ideas can help solve the energy crisis

North America has the energy to solve the global crisis

我们在平衡全球能源转型和持续能源安全的道路上面临着错综复杂的挑战. 我们需要确保我们为解决复杂的技术问题而采取的措施,以及世界范围内不断增长的能源需求,能够在全球范围内实现持续的能源安全.

北美有资源 and the innovative workforce to solve both challenges. 然而, 我们缺少一个关键组成部分:使我们能够安全可靠地开启全球能源转型的能源政策.  

To fulfill our potential to deliver transformative global solutions, we must start thinking smarter and more creatively. There are two simple ideas that should serve as the foundation.  

First, sustainable energy policy must focus on addition rather than subtraction. 

一小部分政策制定者和利益集团要求我们利用监管手段迅速遏制天然气供应,迫使人们开发低排放的替代能源. This concept ignores the real-world consequences.  

Traditional energy sources are critical to keeping pace with increasing demand. Even using the most optimistic estimates for the growth of renewable energy, 阻碍传统能源项目的发展将导致北美地区破坏性的能源短缺和成本飙升.  

同时, 这些政策制定者和利益集团拒绝支持建设更新、更清洁的传统能源项目, 比如液化天然气(LNG), 哪一种会迫使消费者依赖排放多得多的老式能源——比如煤炭——产生负面影响.  

This sequence is playing out in Europe today. In the scramble to replace Russian gas, 各国领导人不顾对环境的影响,在可获得的能源中寻求庇护. 比如德国, has reopened or extended more than 20 coal-fired power plants to meet demand this winter. 这在整个地区造成了不安全,无助于实现可持续能源解决方案的进程.   

There are no shortcuts in the global energy transition. 持续获得负担得起和可靠的能源是至关重要的,因为我们安全可靠地朝着满足低排放能源需求的能力迈进.  

我们必须采纳的第二个关键观点是,停止给能源贴上“好”或“坏”的标签, 而不是, evaluate them on whether they are lower emitting than the energy sources they replace.  

LNG is unquestionably the world’s best tool for rapidly reducing worldwide emissions. The LNG we export around the world reduces reliance on coal, 去年全球碳排放总量增长的40%是由哪个国家造成的.  

LNG has received a surge of attention amid Europe’s energy crisis, but its potential stretches far beyond the current moment. 从墨西哥到亚洲,不断扩大的液化天然气将继续保障能源安全,并大幅减少排放. Refusing to expand LNG exports locks nations around the world into coal, 高硫柴油, and other damaging energy sources for decades to come. 

Our policies must recognize that climate change is a global challenge. 实现国内排放量的小幅下降,如果引发全球排放量的净增加,就不构成进步.

不幸的是, 短视的政策使我们无法安全地建设能源基础设施,为北美和世界各地的消费者提供低排放的能源.  

美国.S. leads the way in global LNG exports. Yet there is currently not enough existing infrastructure to meet global demand.  

允许发展现代能源基础设施项目将释放更清洁天然气的潜力, 而, 同时, 为扩大氢能源和其他需要从生产者安全有效地转移到消费者手中的新能源奠定基础. It balances energy security with energy transition. 

政策制定者可以采取几个重要的步骤——从修复漏洞百出的许可程序到重新评估能源项目的分类方式. The most important shift is to change our collective mindset. 我们必须把重点放在安全可靠地培养大量低排放选择上,而不是强加稀缺,被动地期待最好的结果. 

我们需要有影响力的声音,拒绝过时和过于简单化的政治辩论,采取更开明的方式来实现能源安全和实现我们的集体气候目标. 实现真正和可持续的全球能源转型的共同目标依赖于确保持续的稳定. 它们并不相互排斥. We can't successfully achieve the transition without stability.

北美有资源, 聪明才智, and responsibility to 安全 and securely provide the world with clean energy. It will take strong leaders with vision, 洞察力, and courage to confront this challenge and enable a secure and sustainable energy future. 

Poirier is the President and Chief Executive Officer of TC Energy, a founding member of the Partnership to Address Global Emissions (PAGE).

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